Friday, June 19, 2009

Woody Hayes and Butterflies

As I have mentioned many times, I knew Woody Hayes fairly well, and I learned something from him that I find useful in counseling the clients I assist in obtaining personal protection orders. Many of these clients have suffered terrible abuse, and are therefore fearful about appearing in court. On those occasions, I am quite fond of sharing a bit of wisdom that Woody Hayes often imparted to players before big games, knowing that even the toughest and most talented teenage boy was likely to be experiencing severe stage fright at the prospect of taking the field in front of 85,000 screaming fans, and possibly a nationwide television audience.

He would ask them, “Do you have butterflies in your stomach?” Upon hearing “yes,” he would reply: “Great. Tell them to fly in formation.” I’m happy to say that I have quoted Woody on a couple of dozen occasions now, and it always seems to help. So thanks, Woody.

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