Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Billy Graham’s Good Points

OK, I will say right up front that  there are a LOT of things I do not like about Billy Graham. That however, is a topic for a different day. I think it is a good idea to recognize some good even in people you don't admire.

  1. From the earliest days of his ministry, Billy Graham had *independent* accountants keeping track of the money- so Rev. Graham has avoided any financial scandal for over a half century. Many would do well to follow his example.
  2. Immediately after the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, Graham ordered that seating at all his public appearances be integrated. (That was *not* a universally popular position to take at the time)
  3. Once, when Martin Luther King was arrested in the early 60s, Graham paid King's bail.

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